Martinez Madness

With fruit snack dreams and lego laden wishes…..

Super sad face…

So I am a horrible mother…but I have a great mother so I guess the universe cancels it out. Tomorrow, our little man goes to the doctor for his 6 month checkup. Shots and all. And neither John or I can be there. So stop judging already. I recruited Nana…who volunteered to call in a sub to help us out. I love her. She is a god-send. J has a HUGE meeting and I (fingers crossed) have a lunch meeting with a potential employer. So Nana is taking L to the dr….god bless her. I figured she raised 4 fab kids…she can handle a 6month old grandson. Stay tuned for the aftermath of the shots for her and L.

On to other news….that cute child broke my phone today. Stinker. And I got in trouble from Nana for letting him have it. I can’t win for losing. Pic is pre frozen screen, straight to voicemail, can’t receive texts and mysterious beeping when no one is touching it…isn’t he cute. Grrr.

What else…what else…some cute pics for you to ‘awww’ at. So I heard about this idea where you put your kid in a grown up outfit and take a picture every year on their birthday. So we chose a Mexican soccer jersey (fitting, don’t you think?). This is Lucas’ 6 month picture. Note the small smile.
This is Uncle G practicing his ‘daddy’ skills. Note L looking oh-so-comfy in the carrier. But he loved it.

L also got a car and a swing set (only 3.5 feet tall) but those pics are on my phone…and well you know why those aren’t on here. Just an FYI…slamming a phone down on the floor DOES NOT make it turn back on.

Have a good week!

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