Martinez Madness

With fruit snack dreams and lego laden wishes…..

Archive for the month “June, 2009”

Sock puppets can be painful….

Let me explain with a bit of background. When my dad was doing police work, he used to get to do cool stuff. Ah like… when out of town company would come in, they would get a tour of police station and especially the holding cells. We got a bit jaded to the holding cell finale but now I wish Dad wasn’t retired so L could spend some time in there.

Anywhoo….other cool stuff happened like when Dad let the swat team use our house to practice rushing in a house. Mom wasn’t jumping up and down with excitement but she was a good sport. So us 4 sibs along with some of the neighborhood kids got to watch from the front lawn. It was a cool celebrity type moment for us. Another was when the police dog peed in our yard…yeah I know, cool huh. But the dog was there for practice attacking a ‘burglar’ in our backyard. The guy was done up in all the huge pads and all. Ahh childhood memories, thanks Dad!

Which brings me to my story…today L found a sock of J’s under the couch. So naturally I put it on my arm and made it a sock puppet. Wrig’s ears perked up once L laughed outloud at me and wanted it on his arm. Socks are Wrig’s property, much to my chagrin, clean or dirty; they belong to him. Grrr.

So L had this sock on his arm and Wrig turned into that attack police dog (but in a nice Shih tzu kind of way)….and the tug of war was on. L looked concerned, interested and humored all at the same time. They tussled and well Wrig owned L (poor kid). L’s arm was red but no worse for the wear… and had my flip camera not been soaked in saliva and not able to turn on..I would have taped it. So, poor L got a rough lesson in sock puppets. Yikes…is it bad I’m still laughing?

I love lists….

…for this reason…
1. I am too lazy to fully form paragraphs so ergo, a list.
2. L does so many zany (word score!)things, it’s hard to keep it all in a paragraph.
3. Paragraphs.

New list! Things we have learned this week.
1. My patience is thin.
2. Counting to 10 doesnt help me when my naked child is running thru the house with a lotion bottle and suddenly masters how to use a pump bottle, in the hallway, on the carpet.
3. L has learned to shake his head no. I found it cute, the first time. Now, 3 days later and my, this kid may have a sore neck now, I find it much less cute.
4. 15 month old’s should not have an opinion yet.
5. L has found a love of stickers…mickey mouse ones, smiley faces and yes even address labels. My fault for the address labels, apparently my little (pre-doping incident) Michel Phelps has a major reach for the MIDDLE of the kitchen table!
6. I have a new hobby of finding stickers in lots of places and body parts. Use your imagination.
7. L has also learned a love for accessories. I personally enjoy the panic stricken eyes fighting the frozen smile on J’s face when L comes to him with a bracelet on his arm and in a lovely pose.
8. Bracelets hurt your feet when you step on them late at night.
9. L ate 3 cherry pits..possibly more. Stay tuned.
10. Today, at the pool, in less than 10 minutes, Lil G puked in the big pool; L burned the bottoms of his feet following me,while I was racing to get a towel for the puker; and right after that, L got owned by a 4 year old who apparently didn’t enjoy L holding her Ariel Barbie doll. (Yeah I didn’t share that with J…after the bracelet incident and all).
11. L thinks its so funny to run to turn off the tv and then race away so you can’t catch him. When J’s gigantic TV goes out…L will not think its so funny. I predict that day to be soon.
12. Parenting dilemma: L discovered the dishwasher. So I can either A)let him climb in it and grab the steak knives out of the basket or B)lock it and have him constantly run to turn the dial to turn it on.
13. Tantrums are awesome. Also a new trick. Again, awesome.
14. Bonus….L recognized what a jayhawk is. Ergo, anything with a jayhawk on it gets a grunt and a pointed finger. He’s a genius.

End of list….for now. Off to bed. Noah will be by to pick me up in his boat tomorrow. Sheesh.

Summer is here…..

…and I’m tired of that bad? I mean it’s only June, but sheesh. We have been busy and I’m not sure I have ever done more in a summer than this one. And again, it’s only JUNE! Lord help me.

We have officially bailed on Gymboree (prob need to cancel that)due to..well it’s not outside. Duh. My kid loves to be outside, as you well know. Well now, outside almost always involves dirt, picking up snails and well then a popsicle..duh. Yeah, not a great habit to begin. Come November when we are freezing our tails off waiting for L to finish his popsicle, don’t tell me “I told you so”.

J started his new job last week and loves it. Thank God. The best part is he is off Fri, Sat, and Sunday. Yippee! He will work giganticly (word check? nope? made it up) long days during the week to get Fri off but we can survive I think. I am still looking for a job (yes, please!) but I will give it a few more months before my brain begins to leak out my ear.

Ok, now for pics… and yes, I heard you about the smallish pics from the last post. I ‘shared’ them off my cousin’s picasa site so sorry charlies…not a lot I can do. These past few weeks, we have done Lake, Royals games, wedding receptions, play dates, swimming, and all around craziness. Whew! In the next few weeks, we have lake, wedding receptions, swimming, zoo and a few others. OMG, I’m tired just typing.
Speed Racers…L and Dylan wanting to take Grandpa’s convertible for a spin. Watch out for the teeth marks. Ooops.

Breakfast al fresco…sans pants. That’s how we roll in the Martinez house.

Kelli and I at her bro’s wedding reception…we are practicing for Greg & Bekah’s shindig.

Story time with Nana. Chupi fight followed story time. Yikes.

Lil G hanging out in his turtle…these boys are becoming fish. Now we just need to work up their tolerance so we can stay more than 45 minutes, or enough so I can lay out AND be a good momma. Is that so hard?

And if you look closely, apparently fish that like to moon old ladies at the pool, oops.

We like to be safe…can’t you tell? Perhaps goggles and noseplugs would complete the ensemble, and there maybe an incriminating pic of me with all that crap on, that will never see the light of day.

Cheering on his Royals…

…by eating his weight in nachos.

Father’s Day pic..with Nana. Both brothers were either out of town or sick for this Father’s Day but we enjoyed flank steak on their behalf.

Lake!!! L drove the boat, watched the tubers line and apparently had a good time, all while I was on my deathbed. But I’m not bitter, we are going again this weekend!

Well…other than enjoying our weekly trip to Walgreens (possibly become my new drug of choice) we haven’t been doing a thing! Ha! Now if I can wean L off the popsicle habit and me off the Walgreens habit (but really, they do have everything) we may be able to get some stuff done.

Have a good week!

It isn’t fair…..

It isn’t fair… (quite possibly a stomp of my foot could be heard here). My hubby can say to me, “I think I’m getting sick”…and then decide to mow the lawn and pull weeds and wrangle my kid all while taking approx two pulls on both a nyquil and dayquil bottle (not at the same time, mind you) and he’s better. Now about 48 seconds after my ears heard him say “sick”…the cells started to morph into something that tried to almost behead me. It’s not fair. I have been down for about 5 total days…without my child for about that long. Today, I have strength in my fingers for laundry, typing AND brushing my teeth..consider yourself lucky. Yesterday..iffy.

Now, on Thursday in between the sickness growing, L came down with a tummy issue. Now J and I are always on high alert for stuff like this..due to past events. Freaks me out everytime. But we did what we have been told to do and headed to downtown Children’s Mercy late Thurs night. He screamed and cried and wanted to be held and damn near made me cry buckets of tears. again. It took forever (lots of prayers said) and after a series of xrays were non specific, and an ultrasound found nothing and an IV was given (for the fun of it apparently…but i’m ok with that), we were sent home around 3am. Exhausted, getting sicker (me, apparently). No results, but he was obviously better than when first seen. Told to watch him. Um duh, but politely said thanks…I do love CM…maybe not a ton at 3am but I do.

And when I woke up Friday, holy cow. Apparently 87 clowns had driven over my head and then blew horns in my ears and then jammed them into my ear canals. Ugh. I freaked that L would get sick so he headed to KCK for the day. Then Sat, he went to the lake…. for the first time…. without me…. no pics, no stories came back to me. J, typical dad..”how’d he like it?” “He liked it”. THATS IT? that’s all I got? Man. I begged for him to spend the night in KCK (I know, right?) so I could kick this thing finally…but no avail. So I got teased…little brown cute bean running around in just shorts ( I love summer) chasing Dad, Wrig and trying to love on me but I couldn’t. Sunday came and off he went to KCK for a staycation..again. And what day is today? Yup, It’s Wednesday…and no kid. yet. I’m getting him this afternoon…finally. I am on the mend, better on my feet and mostly confident that I can handle my wild child.

But it’s only 9:23am and I am trying to keep myself busy. And I went outside to get the paper this morning and there was a little box turtle chillin’ in my yard. Wrig could care less. I thought man, L would totally dig this…but mr. turtle needed to move so he mosey’ed (sp?) on down the walk. And I had no one to share that with…but the lucky readers. Brushed teeth and a boxed turtle.

Oh and to top it off….J tells me as he goes to sleep last night…”I’m think I’m getting sick”. Grrrrrr.

What a wedding….

I’m exhausted…. and I didn’t even get hitched! It was a great week of tons of fun, family and freaking nauseous rides (sorry, going with the “f” theme). First off…we headed to Colorful Colorado for G & B’s wedding-palooza. And it was all that and more. B was gorgeous, of course. G cleaned up good as well. The food, views, dancing and just hanging out with the loudest family in the Rockies was enough to make me smile and want to pass out from exhaustion. We forced fun on L.. by god, we were on vac-a, dammit…we were packing something into every moment. He actually only melted down a few times but he did great.

The day after the wedding, we went swimming with the cousins and then to Heritage Park. So fun. They have a sweet alpine slide there that I could ride more than once (if it wasn’t 7 bucks a turn..there’s a recession, you know.) And since Nana wasn’t with us to gasp in my ear, I took L on his first Alpine Slide ride. This involves a ski lift up a smallish mountain, graceful dismount, and then dragging a sled onto a old bobsled track, and then taking off. L loved it… my little speed demon.

Other interesting items:
-L tried gelato for the 1st time. Got cultured and stained at the same time.
-L became only more proficient at the trampoline and slide, thank you Cory
-L swam in a river….kinda
-L played on gigantic fruit in a mall…I didn’t get to see this one.
-C got a mani (shocker)
-L might have a calling as a “chippendale”…something I’m totally proud of.

-J & C has some amazing mexican from Little Anita’s. God bless Anita. Kansas needs green chile, darn it.
-J got to eat at a Man v. Food location (Duffy’s aka Cherry Cricket at Cherry Creek). The rest of us got to eat there too…yum-o.
-L & I almost ran over a gopher on the alpine slide…or at least I felt like we could have been in Caddyshack.
-C got bit by a bug in CO..that’s kinda major.
-Auntie Georgia played a mean trick on L and put chips on the other side of a glass window.. that ended badly. L possibly learned his lesson.
-L streaked during a lovely family dinner, not the first time that has happened.
-As we entered Petro in Colby, the lady remarked “oh look, a baby parade”…amen sister.
-L learned not to ride for 100 miles with Cheez-its down your shorts. A important life lesson I’m glad he learned early.
-I learned that Dad and J know more baseball trivia than should be known…with the exception of Cory.
-The playground stops were as fun as the Petro stops. Never underestimate the power of a good push on a merry go round. Thank you Ry.
-L got Auntie Cait to ride in a banana.. another life event. AND…
-The Biery family didn’t get too scared of the Dimas’…whew.

The bride is coming….or going….

Yahoo!!! There’s a wedding on the books…and it’s happening Friday!! The bride is headed to Colorado to get hitched and we are all following her…well and we are following Greg, but who are we kidding. We heart Bekah. After all, we heart Lil G (Garrett) more than words so who can’t love the momma!

So we are all in various stages of packing and stressing,but it will all come together. We are super excited to see family and friends, boogie a little and officially take on one more Faddis girl.

Pictures to come, and i’m sure a story or two. Congrats to Greg and Bekah! We love you!

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