Martinez Madness

With fruit snack dreams and lego laden wishes…..

Spud needs calories

Who knew…who knew that I would have petite kids. Who knew. What’s that sound??? Oh that’s God laughing at me. 🙂  Im yokin’ (as L says). Went to the dr today for M’s 6 month well check. He weighs a whopping 15.6 lbs. 11%tile in his weight. Um what? The boy eats like a mad man. She asked me if he was active, um yes. She asked me if he was rolling over, um yes. She said well that explains it. NEW DIET ALERT!!! I will be rolling on the floor after each time I eat a Cheese puff. Don’t judge.

The dr isn’t worried so I’m not. Plus if you have met Potato (aka Spud) then you see this:
My cute babe with smiles for days. This pic is not a smiling one as he is trying to gain some street cred with the manly shirt. And he is showing that monkey who is boss. Whatever.
So for the record,
M’s likes:
-Still Luca, all the time….even when L is jabbing him in the face with M’s chupi. It is meant with love, I think.
-Wrig is still a winner although W won’t let M pull his hair as much. So M is not a total fan.
-Daddy….big winner!  M loves him some Daddy. I believe the feeling is mutual.
-Loves to be ticked. Can anticipate the tickle which makes it better.
-Loves to smile….even when teething. Amazing.
-Likes to roll over…(see dislikes for result)
-Food- especially food he can’t have. Like cheeseburgers
-Bananas in his food feeder thing….(add to Mom’s dislike for cleaning said food feeder thing)
-His teachers at school
-His lovey is becoming more and more present….mr blue bear
M’s dislikes:
-L jabbing him in the face with a chupi
-Not being picked up when he has his hands outstretched for you
-A 2 year old barreling in the room and scaring him. Who would love that, really.
-Not eating food
-rolling over from front to back
-Putting shirts on over his head. Odd, huh. But there is a smile once we are dressed. 🙂
Love that boy. Even with banana goobers.

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