Martinez Madness

With fruit snack dreams and lego laden wishes…..

Archive for the day “June 1, 2010”

Everything needs a blessing, I suppose.

So Mom and I talked today about starting Luca with prayers. Now, since he was born, I have said ‘I see the moon and the moon sees me, God Bless the moon, God bless me’…which is actually a sign in his old room.  But I was blessing him, so it counts. 🙂  Anyway, I figured tonight was as good a night as any. After we read our 8 books (sheesh), I asked him if he could put his hands together… it was so stinkin’ cute to see his chubby hands like that. And I, sadly, couldn’t remember all the 2nd line in ‘Angel of God’…and I figured it probably wasn’t right to throw a word in there, like when people sing and can’t rmember the words.  So I just said…’thank you God for this day…God Bless…..(wow, we have a lot of family)…and he did great. So we blessed everyone and only a few times did I mention someone’s name and he would interuppt “Me see him?” And if you haven’t heard him say this line….just listen to the rest of the family..we all say it now.  So at the end of the blessing part, I asked him if he wanted to bless anyone else. He said ‘yes’. I said, ‘ok, who?” He said, “bess cereal’.  Ok then. We will try again tomorrow and see if cereal makes the cut again. Perhaps tomorrow will be gogurt.

Mateo, who also made the prayer cut, is doing great. Eating like a champ and then getting super mad b/c  he refuses to burp. It’s awesome. Not frustrating…at all. He is cooing and talking. Smiles are pretty frequent now and especially when his daddy is anywhere in the room. It is pretty cute. L is much better with him. We do need to strap in M in the swing or bouncy chair, due to L being overly helpful and launching M in the air. L is doing sooo much better in school. He even woke up at 4am (not awesome) a few weeks ago and asked to see his teacher.  He asks about his classmates and has brought home art projects (which I LOVE). So I think we are getting to a good stage….which I have been told is a fleeting moment due to long vacations or a new stage for him which brings us back to crying and square 1. Awesome.

Nana is now on summer vacation!!! Whoo whoo!! So we are soaking in that fun-ness as much as we can. I am heading back to work in 20 days. Ugh and yeah, all at the same time! I’m so not built to be a stay at home mom….but god bless the moms who can and do. I even thought about our family friend (seceretly Cait’s BFF :))  Kates…who is about to have her 3rd.  Under 4..God bless her..and cereal.  I had Dylan along with my two this morning for all of an hour and a half… AND John was home with me. I almost ran out the door, twice. 

Ok so I am posting more pics… and then googling ‘Angel of God’ or General Mills mission statement.. one of the two. Night!

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